Hints for a Profitable Google AdWords Drive

bullet imagebullet imageA landing page is one of the three most important elements of an Adwords campaign (the other two are the keywords and ads themselves). You may hear your online marketing consultant say that the landing page must include the widest possible set of keywords that appear in your ad group. The important thing is to do this naturally and consistently and not just have a meaningless list of keywords. Another important point is to make sure you have a contact form for people to contact you if they are interested in your product or service.

Another recommendation is that you remove the navigation aspect of the landing page because you do not want to distract the visitor from looking for more information. The primary objective should be to call you by phone or fill out the contact form; the fewer distractions the better.

Finally, make sure the text appearing on the landing page makes the visitors fall in love with your site, explaining what your company does, what benefits and services you offer, and why they should fill that form out. To further advance your prospects, make sure you speak with a facebook ads manager or seo consultant to help you.

Knowing the conversion code can also be beneficial. This function is a bit more complicated and you may need help from your programmer or the person who designed your site or landing page in order to implement it, but it's worth it. The conversion code must be installed on the “Thank You” page that appears after someone fills out your contact form. This code will let you know how many people contacted you and thus measure how effective the campaign is going. Now you not only know how many people came to your site through your campaign, but you can also know how many people will be contacted through an AdWords ad.

Date and time settings are also important. Since you're measuring how many people you contact, the best way to make your campaign more efficient is to know what day of the week and what time of day you are generating more conversions. Once you have this information, you can adjust your campaign to work harder in those days and hours. It will help you be present when buyers are more interested in knowing your products or services.

These are just a couple of the many things that must be looked at when starting an AdWords campaign so it is prudent you contact an adwords management service to assist you through the entire process.